Sunday, May 15, 2011

Family car trip

Whoo, we made it.  Yesterday morning I packed up our lives in WI, buckled Monkey and Goose in, loaded up the dog and took off for IA.  Almost exactly 11 hours later, we pulled in at "Nina and Papa's" house.

The trip was pretty un-eventful. The big news was that it was our first trip without a diaper.  Goose made it all the way across 2 states without one accident!! I am soooo happy!!

We are here for graduation.  My youngest brother-in-law is officially a high school graduate.  This fall he will be living less than an hour away!!

In other news, our closing date for the house has been pushed back a day :( Instead of Monday at 10am, we are closing Tuesday at noon.  Still exciting and kind of hard to believe.  After all this time of being seperated, we are finally a family again (minus the cat, soon though). 

On Wednesday, I have my second interview.  This one is for a different job at the same company.  Hopefully, this one works out because they picked it out special for me.

It's a busy week, and then I will be cut off from the world (we don't have internet or TV set up yet).  I was sure to bring my sewing machine, so I won't go completly crazy.